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Stepparent Adoptions


You’ve been married for several years. Your spouse has a child from a prior marriage, and you love that child as if they were your own biological child. The child views you as their parent and may even call you “mommy” or “daddy.” You find yourself wishing that somehow you could “officially” become this child’s parent.

What If I Told You That Was Possible?

An adoption creates a legal parent-child relationship between a child and an adoptive parent. This legal relationship is identical to the legal relationship between a biological parent and their child. A stepparent adoption is when an individual adopts their spouse’s child. Florida Statutes lay out a procedure for stepparents wishing to adopt their stepchildren.

There are many benefits to legally adopting your stepchild. While you don’t need a legal document to love or raise them, adoption allows your stepchild to inherit from you, and even have your last name if you so desire. As an adoptive parent, you will also be able to have access to all of your child’s medical and educational records. No longer will you be turned away for not being the “real parent.”

The adoption process involves certain formalities and procedures. Some requirements include making sure the petition has the necessary required information, making sure both biological parents consent to the adoption, or in some cases, making sure the court has sufficient information to determine that consent is not required in order to proceed with the adoption.

The process, while completely worth it, may be complex depending on the circumstances. At Calvo & Calvo, our family law team is committed to helping you achieve your dream of adopting your stepchild.

Take the first step and call us today to get your case started!
