Can I get a divorce if I was married in a different country or state?
Calvo & Calvo, Attorneys At Law
The simple answer to that question is yes you can. The more complete answer
is the attorney's favorite answer to all legal
questions; "it depends". The first requirement is whether you (the person
wanting to get divorced) has continuously lived in the state of Florida
for at least six months. If the answer is yes to that question than usually you can
your spouse according to Florida law. Of course each client's needs
and facts are different and it would be necessary for you to visit with
an experienced
Fort Myers divorce attorney. What if you have no idea where this person is and you haven't seen
them in years? Can you still divorce them? The answer is still yes. With
the proper paperwork filed you can divorce that person. Call Calvo &
Calvo for your free consultation with an
experienced divorce attorney. They will answer your questions and provide you with a proper assesment
of your case and rights.